A Pragmatic Place

Preston Carpenter’s technical blog

Recent posts

May 11, 2018
The Cost of Moving Fast Rust recently released version 1.26 and with it a big change that has been in the pipeline quite a while: impl Trait syntax. I won’t go into the change itself (as it’s a little involved, especially if you don’t know Rust) and I won’t give my opinion of the change because I haven’t actually tried it yet so I don’t know if it’s a net win for the language yet.…
Apr 28, 2018
Big Programming Recently I was talking with a student I was TAing and he asked me some questions that, while not about the PL theory course he was taking, were questions that I had heard before. They were questions I had asked myself, and I’m sure many others had as well. These questions were varied and targeted many things, but they can be boiled down into one question: “How do I make a big program?…
Aug 14, 2016
Designing a mutable bi-directional tree safely in Rust While designing Way Cooler, it was decided early on that we wanted multiple different ways for the user to tile their windows. When you look around at all the different tiling window managers for X, it becomes apparent that there is no one-size-fits-all method. One of the primary goals of Way Cooler is to be as customizable as possible, so we want the user to choose the method that works best for them.…